Monday, November 26, 2012

11/26/12 Thanksgiving Week Progress

It was nice to finally have a long weekend so I could get some work done at the shop.

On the Friday after Thanksgiving I brought my triple Weber carb setup to the shop so I could do some wok on them. On the way there I spotted a future ideal home: a Manhattan brownstone with a private garage. Swap out the Porsche with a Datsun and you've got a pretty great setup for me.

Anyway, once I got to the shop, I set to cleaning up the last carb of the set. Webers are shockingly simple, but when you have them apart it looks pretty impressive with all of the components laid out for cleaning.

Once finished with that, I also replaced the curiously missing throttle return springs in the two I had built already for a full set of (hopefully) operational webers. I could only get the trumpets cleaned up but so much because they were rusty, so I'll probably have to order new ones eventually.

Afterwards I cleaned up the intake manifold. Starting to come together! Just for comparison, this is how they started out.

On my way home I spotted this 'Mercedes'

Saturday I brought the E31 head and most of my tools to the shop. It will be great to have a place to work again.

I also have some work to do on the G35 in the near future. The driver's side window has been acting up, so the motor either needs replacing or cleaning. I also need to replace a muffler gasket and throw on new rear tires for a possible sale...

Stay tuned.


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