Yesterday, the stripping of my car began in earnest.
Removing the parts and panels of a car is very much like taking the clothes off of a person. It is great to see the muscle, bone and sinew that holds someone together and makes them move. Unfortunately, that mole, scar, or cellulite that is usually hidden by clothes becomes glaringly obvious when all is off.
So it was with my Z last night.
I got ahold of another set of jackstands, so I started by taking off my car's shoes wheels.
Then it was on to the Zero's shirt fenders, exposing the arms and hands upper frame and front suspension.

Once there was a pile of clothes parts on the floor, it was time to take a closer look at what I'm working with.

With a little poking around with a screwdriver, it became very obvious that there was a lot of cellulite fiberglass rust repair and rusty metal in structurally important places.

I could try to fix this, but I would spend hundreds or thousands of hours cutting and replacing metal. At this point I think it's best to cut my losses and get a clean chassis. Luckily I have a clean chassis lined up and ready to replace this one.
In other news, the Big Body Benz has a very very dirty intake manifold. Everything downstream of the throttle body, shown here, is absolutely caked in carbon. I mean the dirtiest I have ever seen. Very very strange, but this absolutely could have kept it from running well in the past. A deep clean is in this cars future.