Thursday, April 14, 2011

Project FZR pt. 2: Pulling the carbs

Yesterday, I intended to finish installing my new top onto the Miata, but found myself foiled by the tiniest of obstacles.

In this case, it was not having the correct size rivet to attach a small cable to the top frame. I had rivets of all shapes and sizes...except the shape and size necessary to attach something to this hole.

Frustrated, I moved on to the FZR. As I said before, the bike ran, but not well. I am pretty sure that the issue is with the carburetors, so I pulled them off the bike to start cleaning them. This was a little easier said than done because of all the cables and linkages attached to them, but cleaning them should be pretty simple now that they're off.

Luckily the diaphragms seemed healthy with no cracks or tears.

Pulling off the float bowl covers I found quite a bit of rusty gas...a pretty sure fire sign that I need to fully disassemble the carbs and boil the bodies, as well as flush out all the fuel lines. More on that tomorrow.

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